Working with code and beyond

Working with code

What wonders code can allow us. Who knew that a few simple elements, and a little bit of formatting, one can indeed create webpages that both stun and inform! Certain languages are easier to learn (HTML for one), while others rely on a little more advanced understanding of coding syntax.


I’m a firm believer in keeping things simple but at the same time, languages like Markdown allow a user to manipulate the structure of a document in multiple formats across a range of computers. Microsoft Word is a wonderful word processing program, but it has its limitations in terms of compatibility (I’m old enough to remember the issue when you needed to worry about opening Office 93-95 documents on the newer software) and longevity. Text files are simple, easy, and powerful in their own rights.


Of course, I’ve also been using HTML and C++ since the early 2000’s, so it isn’t hard for me to understand the uses and compatibility issues. Anyone remember Xanga? If you knew how to edit HTML, you could edit your blog to be really cool in terms of background, sound, and image embedding. Same with Myspace to an extent.


None of this is to say that StackEdit didn’t give me problems. At all. I’ve mostly used Notepad++ and TextEdit (depending on the machine) to do my coding. TextEdit was interesting, but GitHub did a better job of getting me accustomed to how pages can look with Markdown.


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